Hotel Las Gaviotas - legal-information
Members Book

Legal information

1. INFORMATION PURSUANT TO THE INFORMATION SOCIETY SERVICES ACT website (herein referred to as the website) is property of Hotel Las Gaviotas S.L. herein referred to as the website owner), a business corporation established under the protection of Spanish law, with registered offices at Avenida Albufera, 51, 07458 Playas de Muro and assigned Tax Identification Number B-07027667, recorded in the Business Registry of Mallorca in Volume 1022, Folio 134, Page PM-10289, Registration 0.



Arrivals: Arrivals will be received from 14:00hrs, in case the room is not prepared before this time.

Departures: Departures will be finalized before 12:00hrs. Depending on availability and with an extra charge the room can stay occupied during a longer period of the day.

Cancellations: In case of a cancellation before 7 days upon arrival in the hotel, the hotel will not charge anything. In case of a cancellation or modification within 7 days upon arrival, the hotel will charge the price of the first night. In case of a no show, the hotel will charge the full amount of the reservation.

Non refundable: The hotel will charge the full amount at the moment of receiving the reservation. This amount will not be refunded in case of cancellation.




The user may exercise his or her right to access, correct, cancel or decline his or her personal information by writing to the appropriate Database Administrator listed below. The user should include a copy of his or her national identity document (DNI) or passport with the request.: